Direct Selling and E-commerce

Implementing your plans

As a law firm specialised in Direct Selling, we have seen over the course of our practice that the commercial development of companies demands varied and evolving needs with respect to legal support in sales law: methods for marketing products and services have indeed changed significantly in recent years.

Moreover, as a law firm that has long provided advisory on different types of sales and the status of sales staff, whether they are full-time employees or self-employed, we can therefore assist you in the long term with respect to:


FOUSSAT Avocats advises both French and foreign companies wishing to sell their products in France.

A question ? Contact us !

To follow the firm’s news about Direct Selling and E-commerce…

La rupture du contrat d’agent commercial

The breach of the commercial agent contract

Modalities of the breach of the commercial agent contract

Whether it is decided by the commercial agent or the principal, the breach of the commercial agent permanent contract must in the …

Our blog on Direct selling an E-commerce...